Environmental allergy test
What do environmental allergies consist of?
Environmental allergies encompass a wide spectrum of potential causes, from spring pollen in the air, to the presence of mold in your house, and creatures such as dust mites, cockroaches, or pet danger.
How do environmental allergies manifest themselves?
Environmental allergies occur when your body’s immune system overreacts to substances in the surrounding environment that would normally be considered benign. It is also worth remembering that environmental allergies can persist year-long, as opposed to seasonal allergies. If you live in a climate with a perpetual summer, you are always at risk for exposure to certain allergens.
What are the main symptoms of environmental allergies?
Environmental allergies typically manifest in severe reactions such as incessant sneezing, puffy and watery eyes, itchy skin irritations and rashes, and nasal congestion. However, there are more serious reactions such as shortness of breath, which in turn can trigger an asthma attack.
What do your environmental allergy kits test for?
Our kits are designed to test for 36 of the most common culprits when it comes to environmental allergies. The data you receive from each test can then be interpreted by an allergy specialist or healthcare provider to narrow down the scope of your allergies, and how best to manage them moving forward.